Cao (2018): Speculation and Wealth Distribution under Beliefs Heterogeneity

The models that we have seen so far are models with rational expectations. Our toolbox can be used to solve models without rational expectations. A recent example is Cao (2018).

The Model

The model in Cao (2018) is similar to the one in Heaton and Lucas (1996) with several main differences. First and foremost, the two representative agents might differ in their beliefs on the transition matrix for the exogenous Markov process. Therefore, it departs from the rational expectations assumption. Cao (2018) uses agent index \(i\in \{\text{O},\text{P}\}\), which stands for optimists or pessimists. Second, the agents are subject to a collateral constraint, besides the short-selling constraint:


where \(m\in(0,1)\) denotes the margin requirement when agents purchase stock with leverage.

We use the toolbox to solve the version of the model in Example 4 in Cao (2018) with \(m=0.1\). The constraints imply that wealth shares always lie between \(0\) and \(1\).

The gmod file

The model is solved with Cao2018_HL.gmod

  1% Toolbox options
  4% Parameters
  5parameters beta1 beta2 sigma1 sigma2 shock_trans1 shock_trans2 Tg TP TO ql qh pl ph m eO;
  7beta1 = 0.95;
  8beta2 = 0.95;
  9sigma1 = 1.5;
 10sigma2 = 1.5;
 11m = 0.1;
 13var_shock d e1 e2 g;
 14shock_num = 4;
 15d = [0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15];
 16g = [0.9904 1.0470 0.9904 1.0470];
 17eO = 0.5;
 18e1 = eO*ones(1,4); %[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5];
 19e2 = (1-eO)*ones(1,4); %[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5];
 21% bounds for asset price
 22ql = 1e-10*min(d)*min(beta1/(1-beta1),beta2/(1-beta2));
 23qh = max(d)*max(beta1/(1-beta1),beta2/(1-beta2));
 25pl = 1e-10*min(beta1,beta2);
 26ph = 10*max(beta1,beta2);
 28% States
 29var_state W;
 30WPts = 1000;
 35Tg =[0.5885 0.4115;0.4115 0.5885];
 36TP = [0.5 0.5;0.5 0.5];
 37TO = [0.8 0.2;0.8 0.2];
 39shock_trans = kron(TP,Tg);
 40shock_trans1 = kron(TO,Tg);
 41shock_trans2 = shock_trans;
 43% Tensor variables
 44var_tensor budget1 budget2 etotal;
 45budget1 = e1+d.*W;
 46budget2 = e2+d.*(1-W);
 47etotal = e1+e2+d; %etotal = 1
 49% Endogenous variables, bounds, and initial values
 50var_policy p q c1 c2 lambda1 lambda2 mu1 mu2 kp1 a1 a2 Wp[4];
 52inbound p pl ph adaptive(2);
 53inbound q ql qh adaptive(2);
 54inbound c1 1e-10 etotal;
 55inbound c2 1e-10 etotal;
 56inbound kp1 0 1;
 57inbound lambda1 0 1;
 58inbound lambda2 0 1;
 59inbound mu1 0 1;
 60inbound mu2 0 1;
 61inbound a1 0 1;
 62inbound a2 0 1;
 63inbound Wp 0.0 1.0;
 65var_aux bp1 bp2 Rq[4] equity_premium_1 equity_premium_2;
 66var_output q p Wp;
 68var_interp c1Future c2Future qFuture;
 69c1Future = c1;
 70c2Future = c2;
 71qFuture = q;
 73initial c1Future budget1;
 74initial c2Future budget2;
 75initial qFuture 0;
 78  qp' = qFuture'(Wp')+d';
 79  qCC = GDSGE_MIN{qp'*g'};
 80  c1p' = c1Future'(Wp');
 81  c2p' = c2Future'(Wp');
 83  % Transform of variable
 84  bp1 = m*qCC*a1 - m*qCC*kp1;
 85  bp2 = m*qCC*a2 - m*qCC*(1-kp1);
 87  % Equations in text
 88  eq1  = -1 + lambda1 + mu1*m*qCC*p/q+ beta1*GDSGE_EXPECT{qp'*((g')^(1-sigma1))*((c1p')^(-sigma1))| shock_trans1}/(q*(c1^(-sigma1)));
 89  eq2 = -1 + mu1 + beta1*GDSGE_EXPECT{((g')^(-sigma1))*((c1p')^(-sigma1))| shock_trans1}/(p*(c1^(-sigma1)));
 90  eq3 = lambda1*kp1;
 91  eq4 = mu1*a1;
 92  eq5  = -1 + lambda2 + mu2*m*qCC*p/q+beta2*GDSGE_EXPECT{qp'*((g')^(1-sigma2))*((c2p')^(-sigma2))| shock_trans2}/(q*(c2^(-sigma2)));
 93  eq6 = -1 + mu2 + beta2*GDSGE_EXPECT{((g')^(-sigma2))*((c2p')^(-sigma2))| shock_trans2}/(p*(c2^(-sigma2)));
 94  eq7 = lambda2*(1-kp1);
 95  eq8 = mu2*a2;  
 97  % market clear
 98  mc = 1-a1-a2;  
100  equity_premium_1 = GDSGE_EXPECT{(qp')/q*g' | shock_trans1} - 1/p;
101  equity_premium_2 = GDSGE_EXPECT{(qp')/q*g' | shock_trans2} - 1/p;
103  % Consistency
104  consis' = (qp'*kp1+bp1/g') / qp' - Wp';
106  Rq' = qp'*g'/q; 
107  equations;
108    1 - ((q+d)*W + e1 - q*kp1 - p*bp1)/c1;
109    1 - ((q+d)*(1-W) + e2 - q*(1-kp1) - p*bp2)/c2;
110    eq1;
111    eq2;
112    eq3;
113    eq4;
114    eq5;
115    eq6;
116    eq7;
117    eq8;
118    mc;
119    consis';
120  end;
124  num_samples = 100;
125  num_periods = 10000;
126  initial W 0.5
127  initial shock 1;
128  var_simu q p;
129  W'= Wp';

This should look familiar if you already saw the Heaton and Lucas (1996) example (our toolbox algorithm to solve their model is also different from their original algorithm). The new element of the model, heterogeneous belief, is incorporated in the following two lines

89  eq2 = -1 + mu1 + beta1*GDSGE_EXPECT{((g')^(-sigma1))*((c1p')^(-sigma1))| shock_trans1}/(p*(c1^(-sigma1)));
93  eq6 = -1 + mu2 + beta2*GDSGE_EXPECT{((g')^(-sigma2))*((c2p')^(-sigma2))| shock_trans2}/(p*(c2^(-sigma2)));

As shown, the GDSGE_EXPECT function takes an optional argument following operator | to explicitly specify the transition matrix (with the default option given by shock_trans). In the current example, the transition matrix used by the optimists and pessimists are defined in shock_trans1 and shock_trans2, respectively. Notice shock_trans1 and shock_trans2 need to be explicitly declared as parameters to be used in the model block.


The following figure shows the equity premium as perceived by the optimists and the pessimists. The optimists believe that the likelihood of high dividend payment is higher than the pessimists do. Therefore, the optimists’ perceived equity premium is always higher, and they borrow from the pessimists to invest in stock.


In the ergodic distribution of wealth share in the following figure, using the pessimists’ beliefs as the correct beliefs, the optimists own large fractions of total wealth despite the fact that their beliefs are incorrect (because return to equity is higher than return to bond when the optimists’ wealth share is relatively low).
